Deploy a Mobile Application

There is 2 ways to deploy a mobile application using DreamFace:

  • Using Phonegap Build
  • Using a local development environment

Deployment using PhoneGap Build

PhoneGap build is a cloud service provided by Adobe to simplify the creation of hybrid mobile apps using PhoneGap/Cordova. You can interface your PhoneGap Build account with your DreamFace tenant:

  • From the DreamFace Studio, Select the menu item Platform from the main left side menu
  • Select the PhoneGap tab
  • Set your PhoneGap credentials

To deploy a DreamFace app build to PhoneGap, follow the steps below:

  • From your Application/Deployment/Mobile section, click Create Build button
  • Once your build has been created for the various environments defined, click the Cloud icon (deploy on PhoneGap build)
  • DreamFace will package your app and send it to PhoneGap Build. Once the application is sent, a confirmation message appears in the top right corner
  • You can go to your PhoneGap Build account and you should see your application and the various packages for the defined environments are available (.apk for Android, .ipa for Apple/IOS)
  • From the DreamFace Studio, you can click on the QRCode icon to see the QRCode corresponding to your application. This QRCode helps you to install your app on your device. Simply scan the QRCode and follow the instructions on your device to install and Run the application.

Note: DreamFace mobile apps have 2 parts, one on the client (device), one on the server. The client part is linked to the server one at compilation time. Therefore, the app running on the device will only work to the attached server part.

Deployment using a local development environment

To build/deploy a mobile app on a local development environment, you must pre-install the following tools:

Simply create a new application using Apache Cordova CLI tool

$ cordova create myapp com.example.myapp MyApp

Then Apache Cordova requires to add the targeted mobile platforms. For example, for targeting Apple IOS, enter:

$ cordova platform add ios --save

Then from the DreamFace studio, download the ZIP package of the desired build/environment and uncompress the archive in the www folder created by the cordova command line above. Then you can build the application by using the following command:

cordova build ios

To emulate on the Apple IOS emulator:

cordova emulate ios

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