
Now after you build application you can deploy it in some different environments. By default all applications have default environment called 'development'. Each environment has set of variables (JSON). So when you deploy application in one of environment system will create a JSON file in the root of application files with name - <environment name>.env

In content of that file variables are stored. So in future user can configure its application depend of environment

How to deploy and run application

For deploy you application you should do following:

  • Click "create new build" button for create a build
  • Expand a list of deployments by clicking "Show deployments"
  • You will see a table with all application environments.
  • Depend of platform (WEB or Mobile) you can deploy application by clicking "Deploy in local cloud" (for WEB) or "Deploy on Phonegap build" (for Mobile)
  • Next you can run your deployed application by click "Run application" button (for WEB) or download application zip by clicking "Download a zip" button. For Mobile case you can install deployed application on yours smartphone by clicking "Install the App" button.
  • IMPORTANT! For mobile applications you can only have only one "Deploy on Phonegap build" button for all builds if you are using free PhoneGap account.

Technical details

List of modified files:

  • .gitignore

  • lib/dfx_app_builds.js+

  • lib/dfx_applications.js

  • lib/dfx_compiler.js

  • lib/dfx_deploy.js

  • package.json

  • patches/3.1.4.js

  • src/js/angular/

  • src/js/angular/

  • src/studioviews/build_qr_code.html

  • src/studioviews/deployment.html

All environments content is stored in MongoDB collection - "environments_map"

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